Make Ordering Custom Office Furniture Easier

Built to exact specifications and designed with a specific purpose in mind, custom office furniture is one of the best things an office can have, but ordering it can sometimes be a bit of a hassle. Here are a few tips to help make the ordering process easier:

  • Work with a dealer you can trust. Collaborating with a single dealer allows them to become familiar with your office’s needs and aesthetic preferences, making after-sales improvements on existing furniture easier. Because of the relationship you will be building, some dealers may even be willing to give you discounts if you order all of your furniture through them. You may wish to shop around at the start, but once you’ve found one you feel you can really work with, consider sticking with them.
  • Ask your dealer to keep your standards on file. Again, this works best if you’re working with just one dealer. By having your standards kept on file, you will no longer need to provide exact specifications for products you’ve ordered before. Instead of ordering for a “task chair with leather upholstery, finished in chrome” you can simply tell your dealer you need another task chair, and they’ll know exactly what to do.
  • Keep your dealer in the loop about your future needs. When you keep your dealer updated, you allow them to be ready once a project is approved, saving you and your dealer time and money.

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